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Let’s start my story again

I have tried a blog as a means to cope while going through IVF but day to day life took over. For the next few days / weeks, I’ll try to consolidate what happened since the start (5 years ago) so that you’ll get the jist of it all.

To begin, in 2015, we decided to go for IVF after a year of getting married and trying. I still remember that we were very optimistic. I may be 41 then, however, we’re pretty physically healthy, we look after ourselves, we’re good people, we’ll have a baby very soon … we’ll be successful. 1st attempt – There’s only 6 eggs extracted. It’s ok, we thought, it’s better than none. But the disappointment when it failed to implant. I’ve practically decided on my own without consulting my husband that we’ll go for round 2 almost immediately. To me – I don’t want to waste time… my body is already fueled with all the necessary hormones … I’m not getting any younger … maybe I didn’t rest well then, I’ve pushed myself too much, we’ll be successful next…. Come to think of it, any excuses then won’t make any difference. I just want it now. I just want a baby.