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We’re ready for next cycle again

Our next cycle of IVF will be our final one. As advised by the 2 specialists already, with my age and the tests results, our chances are higher with donor eggs. We’ll figure out where to find the egg donor.

After the surgery and post surgery consultation, I’m in the all clear. The doctor said that my chances of pregnancy will be higher now and she does not doubt that I’ll be successful. Problem now will be my eggs.

The next time we went to the IVF specialist to go for our third and final round, it had been about 9 months post surgery. 9 months? We could have been pregnant and have a baby by then. Why wait for a whole 9 months? Recovery from surgery. Work. Timing. Excuses? Perhaps. But we really want to be sure.

In a way, it worked out well as during that 9 months, I’ve continued with my acupuncture and naturopathy. It was also then that our IVF specialist told us that there’s this clinic that brings in donor eggs from overseas. A challenge perhaps is the eggs are from Ukraine that’s a different ethnic group altogether. Does it matter to me? Not really. I’m happy as long as I have eggs…. good quality eggs that is. My husband need some convincing and time to think.