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Cyst and endometriosis?!!

Surgery’s booked. I’m all set to have the darn cyst removed. Waited for 5 hours for my surgery. Was told that the surgery won’t take long. I’ll be home before dinner. By the time I got to, it’s 10pm!

What happened? You’ll have to wait for the surgeon. Michael mentioned that they found endometriosis. I vaguely remembered coming to and speaking briefly to the doctor.

Apparently while going in the remove the cyst, the surgeon found that I have a severe case of endometriosis. Hence, the surgery took longer than expected. The cyst is removed and so’s the endometriosis.

Did the endometriosis cause us to be unsuccessful in our IVF treatments? It’s very likely. Will we be successful in our next attempt then? There’s a high likelihood of success. Why didn’t the first specialist realise that I have it nor mention about the cyst? No idea.

Why didn’t I realise that I have endometriosis? 1 main reason could be coz I’ve managed to learn how to manage my pain. I remember having severe period pain when I was a teenager, especially if I exert myself a few days before my period. It could be so bad that I won’t be able to move for at least a few hours or feel like passing out. Solution – no exercises about a week before my period. My symptoms was also not very typical of endometriosis, my period is pretty regular and manageable with pain killers or non- exertion.