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Donor eggs

​When we decided to go ahead with donor eggs, the paper work took a while. As part of legal requirements, we had to go through counseling sessions. We continue to charge ahead. We can set out our preferences on what we are looking for. We are in an inter-racial relationship, it’s easier to find someone with my husband’s appearance than mine from an Asian background – we can only ask for dark hair and dark eyes and O-blood group. As it turns out, there are very little Ukraines with O-blood group. Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers. I don’t care, I just want those eggs. We made a final decision on which donor we want and that’s where it begins.
The eggs arrived. Husband had to make a trip to give his deposit while I started on my medications. We were very excited with the implant in March 2018. Thereafter it’s just a waiting game. The wait was over. Of course, there’s disappointment. It didn’t stick. Things never come easy for me does it. Arrgh!